Fitmeat Shop: First-class selection, top taste! Real pleasure: Premium meat from Austria.

In our online shop we offer a wide range of premium meats and special cuts from Austria. From classics to unusual and rare delicacies, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for! Because at Fitmeat you only get the best of the best.

Whether it's juicy burgers, American full packer brisket with matching rub, schnitzel meat for the weekend or thick Tomahawk steaks for the ceramic grill. So simply choose your favourite steak and experience the real taste!

Quality you can taste! Origin as the source of taste.

We place great value on real quality and real enjoyment! That's exactly what we stand for! Our animals come 100% from small Austrian farmers and are awarded 4x AT. This means that our animals were born, raised, slaughtered and processed in Austria .

It is precisely this origin and our high standards that make the quality! With strict controls, we distance ourselves from factory farming, fight for species-appropriate animal husbandry and the respectful treatment of animals.

You can find more information about this on our origin page.

Indulgence is a matter of trust and conscious nutrition goes far beyond the plate!

In our top-seller selection you will find products that have already convinced our customers. Be inspired and enjoy regional meat with real taste! Whether top marbled steaks, delicious spare ribs, the finest game or tender poultry - we have only the best of everything for you! And our Black Label products even go a bit further!

The Fitmeat Black Label is the crème de la crème of meat cuts, so to speak! Highly marbled and hand-selected steaks with a long maturation for real pleasure! You didn't discover your favourite cut right away , or you want to try something really unusual? No problem!

We always have two open ears for customer wishes! Send us your question or request and we will send you an offer !

You can find more information on our service page!

Shopping has never been so convenient!

At Fitmeat you can choose your favourite cuts, order them comfortably and securely in our online shop and receive your package in less than 24 hours. Secure and fast shipping. Guaranteed freshness. Delicious enjoyment! What more could you want ?